LabSat 3 Wideband - New features
The latest LabSat 3 Wideband firmware (v1.0.668) is now available and provides more options for creating and copying LabSat recordings. With a greater choice of data transfer and storage solutions, LabSat is now equipped to manage the increased demand for longer and continuous testing requirements, and time saving efficiencies within test programmes.
Full details of the updates can be found in the Change Log and supporting documentation will be available shortly via the Racelogic Support Centre.

Paragon Software
All removable Solid State Drives (SSD) used in a LabSat 3 Wideband are Linux EXT4 formatted. This means it uses a Linux file format to store its recordings. Whilst using these SSD’s gives LabSat the very best disk read/write performance it also means that the drive is not compatible with a normal Windows PC.
The latest version of LabSat firmware includes support for a disk utility from Paragon that allows for LabSat files to be copied as if they were stored on a normal PC format drive. In line with the new firmware release, all new LabSat 3 Widebands will ship with a free of charge licence for this software and a USB3 to SATA cable. This provides the ability for the SSD to be connected to a computer and allows drag and drop file transfer with no compatibility issues and greater transfer speeds.
In addition to delivering improved data transfer speeds, the use of the Paragon software also removes the need for the LabSat to be physically connected to a PC during data transfer. Therefore, by utilising two SSD’s, the LabSat is available for further test activity with only the second SSD required for the download process.
Existing customers wishing to utilise this functionality can purchase the Paragon software online and pair it with a widely available USB3 to SATA cable.

SSD Support
LabSat 3 Wideband now supports a wider range of Samsung Evo SSD’s giving greater flexibility when creating longer test scenarios.
The LabSat 3 Wideband will now support Samsung Evo 850 and 860 1 TB - 4 TB and 7.68 TB drives – including the latest Evo 860 4 TB.

Synology DS918+ NAS Connectivity
If the removable SSD doesn’t provide enough storage, or the ability to copy scenarios to the LabSat 3 Wideband whilst another scenario is replaying is required, then a Network Attached Storage (NAS) solution might be the answer.
From this release of firmware, the LabSat 3 Wideband now supports the DS918+ NAS solution from Synology.
The Synology DS918+ NAS is a high-speed data sharing and storage device that connects directly to a LabSat providing high-speed data transfer and large capacity storage for recordings. This provides the option to attach up to 40 TB of high-speed drives to a LabSat – this equates to enough storage for up to 180 hours of data at our highest recording rate of 56 MHz bandwidth, 2 bit quantization and 2 channels.