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Luftfahrt- & Drohnenflüge direkt von Schreibtisch aus testen

LabSat GNSS-Simulatoren bieten Multikonstellations- und Multifrequenzfunktionen für zuverlässige, wiederholbare und konsistente Tests.

Lightweight and portable, LabSat is perfectly designed for easy recording of live-sky signals, allowing you to test your device repeatedly with a scenario that represents its use in the real-world.

Alternatively, use our SatGen simulation software to create bespoke, high-dynamic scenarios at the time, date, and location of your choosing.

Discover why LabSat and SatGen are the perfect partner for aerospace, UAV and drone testing including:

  • Create custom scenario trajectories to test take-off, flight path and landing
  • Create high-dynamic scenarios for drone, aircraft and UAV testing
  • Generate real-time GNSS RF signals with a current time stamp using LabSat Real-Time
  • Develop autonomous aircraft with repeatable testing on the bench

High-dynamic testing anywhere in the world

SatGen is our GNSS simulation software that allows you to create custom scenarios at any time, date and location of your choosing.

SatGen is ideal for creating dynamic scenarios for testing entire flight paths or specific flight manoeuvres, including take-off and landing. It is not limited to the standard GNSS receiver restrictions of 1000 knots and/or 18,000 m, making it an ideal testing solution for high-dynamic scenarios.

Generating scenarios in SatGen is a perfect resource when you need to test your device in locations you are unable to visit due to travel restrictions, a hostile environment, or the simple economic inefficiencies of field-testing.

Multi-constellation and Real-Time Testing

With the ability to record three channels simultaneously and with a bandwidth of up to 60 MHz, LabSat 4 can Record & Replay signals from all constellations, including restricted signals with encrypted coding.

If you require real-time testing, LabSat Real-Time generates GNSS RF signals with a current time stamp anywhere in the world. Trajectory scenarios can be generated with realistic carrier to noise levels and signals, all in real-time.

Develop Autonomous vehicles and systems

LabSat simulators are small, portable and battery powered, making them ideal for live-sky recording in any conditions. Its small size allows LabSat to fit easily into the most compact of spaces, and it is robust enough to be easily moved between locations and test set-ups.

The Record & Replay option delivers real-world, repeatable testing from a single recording and is an efficient method for testing flight control algorithms, navigation avionics and supporting platforms for autonomous unmanned vehicle testing, among many others.

Additionally, LabSat’s Application Programming Interface (API) provides control and testing automation as scenarios can be programmed to automatically repeat or play in a set order. This improves efficiency by allowing significant testing programmes to be run continuously, without the need of human supervision.

Sie sind in guter Gesellschaft

LabSat-Systeme werden täglich weltweit von Organisationen in der Luft- und Raumfahrt eingesetzt, darunter:

For more information about how LabSat can work for you and to find out if you are eligible for a 14 day free trial, simply complete this enquiry form and your local retailer will be in touch.

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